My face hath come forth from the veils, and shed its
radiance upon all that is in heaven and on earth; and yet, ye turned not
towards Him, notwithstanding that ye were created for Him, O concourse of
kings! Follow, therefore, that which I speak unto you, and hearken unto it with
your hearts, and be not of such as have turned aside. For your glory consisteth
not in your sovereignty, but rather in your nearness unto God and your
observance of His command as sent down in His holy and preserved Tablets. Should
any one of you rule over the whole earth, and over all that lieth within it and
upon it, its seas, its lands, its mountains, and its plains, and yet be not
remembered by God, all these would profit him not, could ye but know it.... Arise, then, and make steadfast your feet, and make ye
amends for that which hath escaped you, and set then yourselves towards His
holy Court, on the shore of His mighty Ocean, so that the pearls of knowledge
and wisdom, which God hath stored up within the shell of His radiant heart, may
be revealed unto you.... Beware lest ye hinder the breeze of God from blowing
over your hearts, the breeze through which the hearts of such as have turned
unto Him can be quickened....”
- Baha’u’llah (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi, ‘The Promised Day Is Come’)